Catering services
A range of catering is available to your meeting room during hearings, this must be ordered three complete working days’ before your room booking using the catering order form available.
Once ordered catering can only be cancelled with three complete working days’ notice. There is a full café service available during the opening hours of the Court.
Please note that food and drink purchased or made externally is not permitted within the court building.
The meeting rooms are in the public areas of the Court and the Supreme Court and Zafferano accepts no liability for the security or confidentiality of any items left in the meeting room. You are advised to take care of all valuable or confidential items at all times. Nothing may be left in the meeting room overnight.
When you arrive please ask at the main entrance reception desk for your room to be unlocked.
Telephone 020 7960 1500 (Option 1, Ex: 1979) between 10am-12.45pm or 2.00-4pm Mon -Fri or email